Wednesday 4 September 2013

Summer 2013

Wow, that's all. Just wow!

This summer has been the busiest summer of my life, it's been amazing. Sadly that's left me zero blogging time since the spring, but I'm back on it now.

So, the summer!
As well as the usual batch of summer events, fetes and festivals we'd usually perorm or coach at, we (Kinetix) agreed to run one of the sites for national kids camp company 'Megacamps' (check them out: oh and we hosted free outdoor Parkour workshops & Bootcamps in the parks around the district all summer for the local city council, as well as me taking on a new personal training clients, then there was the SX Urban Games tour performing in every major town in Essex throughout July and August, oh and our regular classes carried on without interruption... (breathe) ...aaaand a very good friend decided to get married in Ireland right in the middle of August (more on that in another post).

So, it's been a busy summer, 14 hour days, 6 or 7 days per week, travelling all over the UK and Ireland, but life has slowed down to a manageable pace again now.

This summer wouldn't have been possible without my amazing staff at Team Kinetix and without Becki sorting out the timetables of 20 people for 8 weeks at a time (behind every great man and all that...)
So thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, you guys are like family to me.

Anyway, enough gushing, get to the point!

With all the events we've run this summer, I've managed to get a lot of time behind the camera to hone my photography skills, I've really learned a lot by taking pictures almost every day.
So, here's the shameless plug of my Flickr page: BradWendes on Flickr check it out, feel free to criticise!

Here's some of what I've been up to while not blogging:

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